This note is 328 words, a 1 min and 18 second reading time.
To watch a video version of this note, click the thumbnail above. 👆
Hi Everybody -
Welcome to the fourth edition of the Life School Weekly! This week we are unlocking three guides that we hope will help elevate your quality of living.
🔓 Unlocked this week:
Roasted Spaghetti Squash 🎬 (1 min 39-sec read): Sometimes referred to as nature’s gluten-free pasta, spaghetti squash is exceptionally high leverage. It costs ~$1.50/lb, requires only ~10 minutes of active work, and stores for almost a week. To boot, at 42 calories a serving and 10% of your daily fiber needs in a cup, this root vegetable is incredibly healthy.
How to Make Kale Chips 🎬 (42 sec read): Have some extra kale on hand? Lucky you! Pop some in the oven for ~10 minutes to make delicious kale chips.
Cleaning As You Go⚡️ (49 sec read): Experienced chefs always seem to have clean countertops & empty sinks by the time they finish cooking. With a bit of planning & some tips up your sleeve, you too can finish your cooking without staring down another big job.
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Roasting Vegetables 📓 (3 min read): Roasted vegetables are one of the highest leverage meal prep items you can make. They are tasty, healthy, economical, easy to make in batches, and require very little active work. Furthermore, they work well as a side, base, or main dish. You can also enjoy them hot, cold, or even at room temperature. Go ahead and pop some veggies in the oven. You’ll be thanking yourself later in the week.
The Nosh Plate 📓⚡️(1 min 37 sec read): A little resourcefulness, scavenging, and creativity go a long way in making a most satisfying nosh plate. Mixing and matching what you have on hand reduces waste and clears room for new items. Go ahead and dig into the back of your fridge. You might be surprised by what you create.
Have a great weekend!
~ Michelle & the Life School Team
Got feedback or a request for a lesson/guide? Email us.
Symbol guide: 🎬 = video | 📓 = reference guide |⚡️ = hack
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