This note is 316 words, a 1 min and 15 second read time.
Hi Everybody -
Welcome to the fifth edition of the Life School Weekly! This week we are unlocking three guides that we hope will help elevate your quality of living.
🔓 Unlocked this week:
Chicken Salad 🎬📓 (2 min): Chicken salad is one of the most delicious, nutritious, versatile, and high-leverage meal prep items you can make. A neutral base primed for creativity & experimentation -- you have an ultimate say on this tasty lunch creation.
The Etiquette of Overnight Hosting & Guesting 📓 (5 min): An overnight invitation is an honor, and responsibility! Both hosting and guesting can lead to awkward or uncomfortable interactions. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." Whether hosting or guesting, a little etiquette know-how can go a long way towards receiving that coveted return invite.
Kitchen Organization (1 min): Rummaging through cupboards looking for all the items you need to prepare a dish is time-consuming and frustrating. Use these tips to get your kitchen into working order for faster and more efficient cooking.
🗝 Premium-Only
($5/month or $50/year): Subscribe here for a free 30 day trial.
The Balanced Salad (mini-course): A tasty salad is a glorious thing - and fortunately, with a little practice & know-how, they are well within reach for a beginner home chef. What is a balanced salad? It has a mixture of complementary flavors (e.g., salty, tart, bitter & sweet) and textures (e.g., crisp, soft, crunchy, creamy). When these flavors and textures meld, the salad transforms from a meal “should have” into a star unto itself. A delightful, healthy, exciting component of a fulfilling meal. This mini-course includes 11 lessons about creating delicious salads.
🏸 Other:
Why I’m building Cooking Without Recipes 🎬: Video & audio recording with some context on the origin story of CWR (& Life School).
Have a great weekend!
~ Michelle & the Life School Team
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