Today’s lesson is 328 words, a 1 min 18 sec reading time. It is the second lesson of How to Boil Water.
📍 Introduction
A proper cup of black tea is hard to come by. Most shops don’t heat their water to boiling, which is required for proper steeping of many types. Tea steeped below boiling is often weak, light in color, & flavorless. Avoid this situation and make a perfect cuppa by following the instructions below.
🧂 Ingredients & Equipment:
Black Tea (loose suggested)
Vessel for steeping (e.g., mug, teapot)
Strainer or tea ball (something like this)
✔️ Instructions:
Boil water
Warm the mug & strainer (swirl & then dump some hot water)
Add ~1.5 teaspoons of tea (or a tea bag)
Pour boiling water over tea
Let steep for 3-5 minutes
Remove tea & flavor to taste
💡 Variations
Herbal: Prepare like black but steep longer (5-10 min). A lid or saucer can help keep the tea warm
Green: *Do not* use boiling water or tea will burn & taste bitter. The suggested temp is 167-176°F for Green and 176-185°F for Oolong. Chart of temps here.
📝 Notes, Tips, Tricks
Popular flavorings: Honey, milk/cream, lemon, artificial sweetener
Black tea has about 50% the caffeine of drip coffee (~50 mg/cup)
Once opened, tea starts to degrade and lose flavor. Store in a dark airtight container away from light or heat for max 2 years.
Health: Tea has many health benefits & can help various ailments. (e.g., pepper or ginger for indigestion, chamomile for sleep). Learn more here & here.
Organic is recommended as tea cannot be washed prior to drinking. Learn more here.
🛒 Purchasing Recommendations
Online Shops: Teabox, Red Blossom
🎓 Further Studies:
{UK Mirror} 5 steps to the perfect cup of tea
{The New Daily} The nasty chemicals lurking in your cup of tea
{Spruce Eats} Best Green Tea Types for Beginners
{Spruce Eats} What Is Black Tea? Benefits, Uses, & Recipes
👉 Next Lesson: 03 - How to make Drip (aka Pour Over) Coffee
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