Recommended YouTube Channels 📼🍿
Life School loves a good YouTube channel. Here are some of our favorites:
Peaceful Cuisine Genre:
Media Brands:
Molly Baz (formerly BA Test kitchen) - Molly Makes Mac & Cheese
NYTimes: Melissa Clark
International/Veuyeristic/Food Vlog:
De Mi Rancho A Tu Cocina (Mexico)
Cooking with Sros (Thailand)
Rhea - Day in the life of a salarywoman (Japan)
Honeykikki - Christmas Dinner with Friends Vlog
Downshiftology (wide range, great meal prep tutorials)
Pro Home Cooks (up and coming star, doing courses in adv)
Binging with Babish (wide range, biggest food star)
PickupLimes (vegan specialty)
Rainbow Plant Life (vegan)
Niki Tutorials (makeup)
SaraBeautyCorner (DIY, comedy, high production value)
Cathrin Manning (How to Grow on YouTube)
Bite Shot (Food Photography)
Who are your favorite YouTubers? Post below! 👇